Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Learning Styles: VARK

  1. Describe VARK as a framework for learning styles, and explore how it impacts teaching and learning.
  2. Explore digital tools that allow learners to organize, illustrate, and present concepts they've learned.
  3. Work with a partner to present one of the VARK learning styles using a digital tool.
  1. What is VARK and how does it help us understand how we learn and how teachers can reach students with different learning styles?
  2. How can creating and presenting a concept board lead to deeper learning?

VARK is another framework for thinking about how we learn and process information. After taking the VARK Questionnaire, work with a partner to analyze one of the VARK strategies and prepare a poster explaining the strategy.

With a partner...
  • Read all the info carefully and discuss it with your partner so that you really understand the learning style. Dig deep to go beyond surface level understanding. For example, visual learning style goes far beyond just preferring to "see things."
  • Research: are there other sources (videos, images, etc.) that help you understand better or that you could share to help your colleagues better understand?
  • Select a digital tool and create a concept board that captures the key ideas. Think about how you can organize and convey the ideas and key concepts. Can you use pics, symbols, lists, graphs, etc. to share the ideas in a way that will stick with your fellow cadets? You can use any tool: here's a few you might try:
    • Padlet: Create a wall with photos, docs, weblinks, etc.
    • Create a wall of sticky notes
    • Sketch Board: Online white board
    • AWW Board: Online white board you can embed in a web page (like a blog post)
  • Present your concept board to the class. Be sure to explain fully the learning style and what you've included on your poster. 
  • In class, cadets will personalize this presentation rubric to address this specific assignment.

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