Tuesday, April 28, 2020

End of Year Video

CHALLENGE:  Collaborate to create a 2:00-2:30 video that creatively communicates educational concepts and professional skills learned in EXCEL Teacher Cadets and that will serve as a marketing tool for future students considering teacher cadets.

STEP 1:  Collaborate to create a concept and storyboard for the video. The storyboard should create a frame-by-frame outline of the video, including all components (narration, on-screen text, images, video clips, etc.). Tiffany has created and shared a Google Slide to create storyboard.

STEP 2:  Divide and conquer. As a team decide how to split up the tasks for creating the video so that you can complete it by Thursday.

STEP 3:  Create the video.

STEP 4:  Publish the video.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Teaching in a Virtual Environment

Reflection Questions:

  1. How is the planning, teaching, and learning different in a virtual environment from a face-to-face classroom? 
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning?
  3. Which do you prefer?What skills do teachers need to be able to engage students at high levels of learning in a virtual setting

Reflective Writing Assignment: (Due Thurs., 4/23)
  • Write a well-developed blog post responding to the three questions above.
  • Your post should include the following:
    • At least three (3) links to sources that you specifically refer to as examples to illustrate your ideas-- These sources should exemplify your research in strategies for teaching in a virtual environment.
    • A reflective response to all three questions, giving explanations and specific examples as support. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Personality and Temperament

Thanks Hannah and Taylor for the great lesson today.

Your assignment is to write ONE blog post on ONE lesson objective.

  • The goal is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the concept(s) in one learning objective. Choose an objective that you feel the least confident in being able to explain to someone else.
  • Include a link to at least ONE SOURCE of additional info about the concept.
  • Be sure to explain thoroughly to show your understanding
  • Comment on this post and include the link to your blog post in the comment.

Here are the objectives of today's lesson:

  1. Students will differentiate between personality and temperament and explain their differences and similarities
  2. Students will explain Bandura’s concept of Reciprocal Determinism
  3. Students will understand the concept of the Big 5 
  4. Students will evaluate Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and how poverty affects students learning through discussion while developing solutions to problems mentioned


Friday, April 3, 2020

Zoom Meeting April 3

I'm looking forward to meeting with you all via Zoom April 3 from 11:00-11:30 a.m. Please check out the agenda for our meeting and be ready to share one item that is helping you survive COVID-19.

We'll meet at bit.ly/cadetmeet.

See you then!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

AMI Instructions

While you are out this week, here are the ongoing assignments you need to be completing:


Prepare to teach your assigned lesson on human growth and development topic.

    • If you haven't shared your lesson plan with me, do so before end of day Friday.
    • Each of you need to be prepared to teach the lesson when we return from Spring Break.
    • Collaborate with your partner to be prepared!
    • If you have questions or need help, text or email me.

Work on your micro-credential.

    • The goal this week is to write and share with me a ROUGH DRAFT of one of the essays.
    • I will read and give you feedback.
    • This will allow you to revise so that your work meets all the rubric criteria that will allow you to EARN YOUR MICRO-CREDENTIAL!

Work on your internship portfolio.

  • This is a great opportunity to catch up on your portfolio!
  • Catch up on your journals. You should have one journal for each day you have interned.
  • Decide what THEME you will use for your portfolio.
    • The theme should tie together all the pieces of your portfolio.
    • Create your portfolio cover.
    • Decide which optional pieces you will include in your portfolio.
    • Create an organizational structure for your portfolio that connects with your theme.
    • Begin creating entries for your portfolio. 

Work on your lesson for internship.

  • You should have talked to your cooperating teacher about the lesson you will teach. 
  • If possible, create a draft of a lesson plan you can teach during internship. 
    • Email your teacher (copy me) to discuss. If you haven't selected a topic, discuss possibilities. If you have selected a topic, share a draft lesson plan and ask for feedback from your teacher.
Use this time to work on these BIG PROJECTS! When we return from Spring Break, deadlines will be quickly approaching!

I am available during our AMI days to assist you as you work on these assignments. Feel free to call, text, or email me.

Stay healthy!

Friday, January 10, 2020

January 10

Two Tasks to Complete Today:

1.      Present your micro-credential presentation via Google Slides:

o   Create a minimum 5 slides (you can have more if needed)  that you would use if presenting to a live audience.
o   In the speaker notes section (below slide) add narration—what you would say (word-for-word) if you were presenting to a live audience.
o   Share your slideshow with lrsdexcel[at]gmail.com.

2.      Prepare for a Socratic Discussion in class on Monday on Nature vs. Nuture:
Essential Question:  What role does nature and nurture play in our development?

o   Step One:  Read and Think
ü Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmctxRcmloc. It’s on class blog at excelcadets.blogspot.com.
ü Read and annotate the two articles:

o   Step Two:  Prepare Notes for Discussion
Create a Google Document (share with lrsdexcel[at]gmail.com) for your notes. If for some reason you can’t access, prepare on paper and text me a pic.

ü Select three (3) specific parts of the texts to refer to in the discussion.
ü Generate five (5) high level questions that would prompt a thoughtful discussion about  the roles of nature and nurture in human development and that would  encourage us to think about the ideas introduced in the texts you’ve read.
ü Compose two (2) paragraphs summarizing what you know…
·         one paragraph  about the NATURE side of our development
·         one paragraph about the NURTURE side of our development

See you in class at UALR Monday for a scintillating discussion on Nature vs. Nurture! Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

January 8, 2020

Bell Work:  Complete the form to submit your internship request.

Today's Agenda:

Review semester exam essay.
    • Mini Lesson:  Connecting Sentences without Creating Grammatical Errors
      • Learning Goal:  Use coordinating/subordinating conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs to create compound/complex sentences punctuated correctly.
    • Correct own paper.

40 Minutes:  Work Time on Microcredential
    • DUE FRIDAY:  Present 4-minute presentation sharing new learning about your selected microcredential topic.
    • TODAY:  Research and take notes on your topic...
      1. Create a Google Doc and share with me. This is where you'll keep all your notes.
      2. Read to learn. Capture key ideas and links to sources in your notes.
      3. Share a nugget you've learned at Note.ly:  http://note.ly/lisahufflrsdorg
      4. Be ready to DISCUSS.
Lesson:  Nature vs. Nuture Controversy

Learning Goal:  Explain key ideas in the nature vs. nurture debate, and explain what role this understanding plays in creating a nurturing environment designed to stimulate healthy development.

1. Read & Think