Friday, January 10, 2020

January 10

Two Tasks to Complete Today:

1.      Present your micro-credential presentation via Google Slides:

o   Create a minimum 5 slides (you can have more if needed)  that you would use if presenting to a live audience.
o   In the speaker notes section (below slide) add narration—what you would say (word-for-word) if you were presenting to a live audience.
o   Share your slideshow with lrsdexcel[at]

2.      Prepare for a Socratic Discussion in class on Monday on Nature vs. Nuture:
Essential Question:  What role does nature and nurture play in our development?

o   Step One:  Read and Think
ü Watch the video at It’s on class blog at
ü Read and annotate the two articles:

o   Step Two:  Prepare Notes for Discussion
Create a Google Document (share with lrsdexcel[at] for your notes. If for some reason you can’t access, prepare on paper and text me a pic.

ü Select three (3) specific parts of the texts to refer to in the discussion.
ü Generate five (5) high level questions that would prompt a thoughtful discussion about  the roles of nature and nurture in human development and that would  encourage us to think about the ideas introduced in the texts you’ve read.
ü Compose two (2) paragraphs summarizing what you know…
·         one paragraph  about the NATURE side of our development
·         one paragraph about the NURTURE side of our development

See you in class at UALR Monday for a scintillating discussion on Nature vs. Nurture! Have a great weekend.

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