Prepare to teach your assigned lesson on human growth and development topic.
- If you haven't shared your lesson plan with me, do so before end of day Friday.
- Each of you need to be prepared to teach the lesson when we return from Spring Break.
- Collaborate with your partner to be prepared!
- If you have questions or need help, text or email me.
Work on your micro-credential.
- The goal this week is to write and share with me a ROUGH DRAFT of one of the essays.
- I will read and give you feedback.
- This will allow you to revise so that your work meets all the rubric criteria that will allow you to EARN YOUR MICRO-CREDENTIAL!
Work on your internship portfolio.
- This is a great opportunity to catch up on your portfolio!
- Catch up on your journals. You should have one journal for each day you have interned.
- Decide what THEME you will use for your portfolio.
- The theme should tie together all the pieces of your portfolio.
- Create your portfolio cover.
- Decide which optional pieces you will include in your portfolio.
- Create an organizational structure for your portfolio that connects with your theme.
- Begin creating entries for your portfolio.
Work on your lesson for internship.
- You should have talked to your cooperating teacher about the lesson you will teach.
- If possible, create a draft of a lesson plan you can teach during internship.
- Email your teacher (copy me) to discuss. If you haven't selected a topic, discuss possibilities. If you have selected a topic, share a draft lesson plan and ask for feedback from your teacher.
Use this time to work on these BIG PROJECTS! When we return from Spring Break, deadlines will be quickly approaching!
I am available during our AMI days to assist you as you work on these assignments. Feel free to call, text, or email me.
Stay healthy!
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